[Download] Imaging in Gastroenterology, 1e de Michael P. Federle MD FACR,Peter D. Poullos MD,Sidhartha R. Sinha MD Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Críticas 'The image quality is excellent, and the information is useful for clinicians. The book is well written and covers all topics pertinent to gastrointestinal imaging.' -Tara M Catanzano, MD (Baystate Medical Center) for Doody's Review Service Reseña del editor Written specifically for gastroenterologists at all levels, Imaging in Gastroenterolog, by Drs. Michael P. Federle, Peter D. Poullos, and Sidhartha Sinha, is an authoritative, single-volume resource that provides clear, relevant imaging information for the diagnosis and management of adult GI and hepatobiliary disorders. Easy-to-understand terminology, anatomy chapters tailored for gastroenterologists, and superb images throughout make this an ideal point-of-care reference for practicing physicians, fellows, and residents in gastroenterology. Provides introductory background information, normal imaging anatomy, and radiology terminology relevant to gastroenterologists Features high-quality images with detailed, easy-to-understand captions, and presents information in a bulleted, templated format for quick reference

  • Details how to choose between different imaging tests
  • in evaluating specific clinical situations, including the strengths and weaknesses of those tests Covers imaging evaluation of the 'incidental' pancreatic or hepatic cystic mass; GI motility disorders; the evolving role of fluoroscopy, CT and MR enterography, and the advantages and limitations of each study; imaging evaluation and interventional techniques for GI bleeding and hepatic and biliary malignancies; and much more

  • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase.
  • This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Biografía del autor Professor e Coordenador Adjunto para a Educacao, Departamento de Radiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Stanford, Stanford, California

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